Moving a website to another server is always a hassle, that's why 247ZILLA now offers its new and existing customers, a free website migration service.
We want you to love your web host. We want you to experience the 247ZILLA Difference with features which include 24/7 support, our cloud server technology, socially responsible hosting and much more. Now there's nothing holding you back! Take a look at what we can move for you
Account transfers have never been easier, We'll even ensure that there's no downtime during the transfer process! Follow these 3 easy steps:
* Currently we can move all data via FTP to our servers, you may have to move the databases your self. Data migration depends on the availibility of your old hosting account and may take additional time based on the size of your website contents.
** In case of cPanel, it might be possible for us to move the complete account including emails and databases. If your old host uses a control panel other than cPanel, it may not be possible to migrate email accounts.
*** Domain transfer is FREE, however you need to pay regular domain registration fee. Once the registrar transfer is successful, your domain will be extended an additional year to the current expiration date.